RSS is a format in which content on a website can be delivered to subscribers. Visitors to your website can simply subscribe to your feed using a feed reader and get instant updates on anything new you publish. Popular feed readers include Google Reader, My Yahoo, and Feedly. You can also allow visitors to sign up to receive your feed via email if they wish. The major benefit to a feed reader is that visitors don’t have to visit multiple sites to see if anything new has been published. By simply going to their favorite reader page, they can see all updates from all sites instantly. If they see something that want to read more about, they simply click the link back to your site for the full story.
As people become more familiar with this technology it will only become more popular. No longer do you need to check your favorite sites to see if anything is new…now the information will come to you. This is a great way to stay in front of your clients and keep your name fresh in their mind.
To learn more about RSS Feeds and how they work…check out this clever video by CommonCraft.