Have you ever thought of hackers taking ahold of administrative rights to your real estate WordPress website? Do you know how to protect it? Password strength is the key element that will determine if you are at high risk or not. If your password is weak and easy to guess then your website is a prime target.
Recently Mashable.com reported hackers attacking 90,000 blogs. The article goes on to say “Their program cycles WordPress accounts through 1,000 common passwords. While this tactic is useless against savvy users, enough people utilize easy-to-guess passwords to make it worthwhile for the hackers.’” Read the full article titled Hackers Attack 90,000 WordPress Blogs.
We strongly encourage you to never use a password like “admin,” which is a common default password. For any of our IDXCentral clients, if your username is currently set to “admin,” please contact us today and we can help you better secure your site.
Strong passwords are not only unique, but are at least eight characters long and include different types of characters such as underscores, periods, asterisks, or quotes. For a free tool to build a strong password check out this page: Secure password generator. It only takes a few minutes to protect your website from hackers by strengthening your passwords. So, be informed and beef up your passwords!